
Brick Theater Residency Aug 6 - 22 2015
Adapted from ANTHEM by Ayn Rand
With original texts by playwright / director Ran Xia
Production Stage Manager: Ryan Treviranus
Fight Director: Mary St. Angelo
Costumes: Brenna McShane
Cast: Wil Bethmann, Adrian Burke, Jakob Carter, Madeleine Emerick, Kate McMorran, Daniela Rivera, Doug Robinson, Alexander Taylor, Kayla Weinerman, Jordan Zauha
[ai] is a new adaptation of Ayn Rand’s novella, Anthem, which tells the story of one man’s pursuit of individuality in a totalitarian dystopia, where the word “I” was considered unspeakable and the root of all evil.
The protagonist of the story, EQUALITY 7-2521, discovers a tunnel which holds the secret knowledge of the past, and through trials and error, discovers electricity. However, instead of being accepted as an innovator, he becomes condemned by the society and ends up an outcast.
The production incorporates physical movement and is partially devised, with a goal to open up a forum of discussion on controversial issues, such as the tyranny of the majority, the concept of freedom, individuals’ need for a community, and within the concept of a community, the difference between sameness and equality.
Ayn Rand’s objectivism is developed as a result of her experience in the Soviet Union. Her philosophy was formed from one extreme to another. With this production, we do not wish to take sides on whether one point of view is superior to another, but to show all aspects in a system.
90 minutes
August 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21 & 22 @ 8pm

[ai] performance at the Brick Theatre on Aug 21st, 2015
Equality 7-2521: Adrian Burke
Liberty 5-3000: Daniela Rivera
International 4-8818: Jordan Zauha
Union 5-3992: Jakob Carter
Democracy 7-2500 / Transgressor of the Forbidden Word: Kate McMorran
Councils: Kayla Weinerman & Madeleine Emerick
Ensemble: Alex Taylor, Doug Robinson, Wil Bethmann.
Written / Directed by Ran Xia
Choreography by Mary St. Angelo
Stage Manager: Ryan Treviranus
Lighting: Devorah Kengmana
Sound: Ran Xia
Costumes: Brenna McShane